Saturday, March 27, 2010


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


I wonder what he was in a former life?? He sat very still and waited patiently for his owner to come and get him. ;)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The wall is so interesting!

The wall is so interesting!
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


Hmmm....I wonder what he is looking at?


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


Almost caught up with my images!! I have been wanting to take a picture of these pipes for EVER! So finally got to class a little early and remembered to bring my point and shoot.... :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lazy Days....

Lazy Days....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


Life is tough when you're a cat!

All that remains...

All that remains...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


I shall return! Just been busy trying to keep my head above water with tons and tons of essays that are due.


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


A little bit dark...but love these socks! I am neck deep in essay writing at the moment...but will be back soon!

Jagged little pill...

Jagged little pill...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


Sorry so absent's essay writing season and I am up to my neck in it. gah! Be back soon I promise!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

week 3 - Stripes - Sarah Schloo and Geekgirly

Top: Sarah Schloo
Bottom: Geekgirly

Sarah Schloo: ...this was a shot of some Italian biscuits I took last week on a market stall in London, it was one of a few different images from the market that I was thinking of doing for my 52 weeks, but I ended up choosing another shot. I am so pleased to be able to use this one as well!!

Geekgirly: This was the first time during this project that I actually got to see the image and knew what my partner's subject was. Saying that, I don't think that it really made a difference in the subject matter of my image. I had planned on shooting this image as soon as we were given the themes for this week - I guess you could say that Sarah and I were on the same wavelength!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring is in the air...

Spring is in the air...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


Taken while out enjoying the lovely spring weather.

Taken and processed with my iPhone.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Parade

St. Patrick's Day Parade
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


This one of the photos that I took during Ottawa's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade.

You can see the rest of them here: HERE

Glass and Brick

Glass and Brick
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


I just liked the contrast between these two.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


I love how deterioration can look so colourful sometimes.


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


I have been wanting to photograph this for a long time. Not sure if this photo does my vision justice, but I like how the red paint sort of "pops".


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


I like the simplicity of this when I saw it hanging.

Bicycle season is upon us!

Bicycle season is upon us!
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


I love seeing bicycles out and about and not just the hardcore bikers! by hardcore bikers I mean those that bicycle all through the harsh, cold winter.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

This is the collaboration between Elle Moss and I for "The Divine Diptych Project."

This is a diptych project by a group of female photographers who have known each other a long time on Flickr. The project matchs two of us together each week with a different theme to interpret how we want, on an individual basis. We then create a diptych using each of our photographs. The only thing Elle Moss and I agreed upon before we shot our images this week was that we would both shoot in colour and square format.

The results of the collabrations are being posted on a blog, which you can find here ...

Saturday, March 06, 2010


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


These are some groovy swizzle sticks that I have handing around...makes me want a cocktail or a "cat-tail"! lol


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


If you could see her eyes you would see that she was glaring at me. If looks could kill!


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


I think it might be time to get my bicycle out again! Although after spending the winter on my balcony I wouldn't be surprised if all of the gears seize!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Time Warp?

Time Warp
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


Taken this morning as I was waiting for my bus to school. Perhaps a time traveller from the 1970's?

Celebrating my weaknesses...

Celebrating my weaknesses...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Free Will Astrology

Libra (week of March 4 2010)

Temple Grandin is a successful autistic person. Diagnosed at an early age, she nevertheless went on to earn a PhD in Animal Science and became a bestselling author whose work has led to notable improvements in the humane treatment of livestock. Although she acknowledges that her autism has caused her problems, she also believes it gives her abilities that non-autistic people don't have. For example, her extreme sensitivity and extraordinary visual memory are at the root of her unique insights into the needs of animals. If there were an instant cure for her autism, she says, she wouldn't take it. She's an advocate of neurodiversity. Now here's my question for you, Libra: Do you have a supposed weakness or disability that's actually an inherent part of one of your special talents? Celebrate and cultivate it this week.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


Ha! It's me!

Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


A little macro shot of some coasters.