Thursday, February 28, 2013

56/365 - I've been spending a lot of time in my bed - and not in a good way....

56/365 - I've been spending a lot of time in my bed - and not in a good way....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I've been working the early shift at work and because I am not a morning person it means maximizing my sleep time.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

53/365 - "Is willing to accept that she creates her own reality..."

53/365 - "Is willing to accept that she creates her own reality..."
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

"...except for some of the parts where she can't help but wonder what the hell she was thinking." ~Story People

Sunday, February 24, 2013

53/365 - bus self portrait

53/365 - bus self portrait
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Took while riding the bus....not that inspired - same old story it seems.....*sigh*

fly away

fly away
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Took this the other day while out and about....

52/365 - old/new

52/365 - old/new
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Took this the other day while out and about....

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

49/365 - "True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks." ~ St. Jerome

49/365 - "True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks." ~ St. Jerome
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

It's been a long day and I'm still not feeling any better from this cold. I went to work and then came home and went back to bed. One could even say that I'm cranky as hell.

Monday, February 18, 2013

48/365 - ...

48/365 - ...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

It's been kind of a crummy few days. Confession: when I come home from work I like to take a shower and put on my PJs and vegetate.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

46/365 - sun-beam

46/365 - sun-beam
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Like a cat, I love lounging in sun-beams. :)

45/365 - late night

45/365 - late night
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I took this last night before going to bed - not that inspired.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

43/365 - heart

43/365 - heart
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

This heart isn't perfect and it's been through some rough times, but it's still in one piece. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

42/365 - blueberry

42/365 - blueberry
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

hmmm...just a shot of something I was snacking on. SOOC (straight out of the camera) :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

41/365 - blackbird fly

41/365 - blackbird fly
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Woohoo!! My new Blackbird Fly! (It's actually an ebay purchase - but new to me). This camera takes 35mm film and is a TLR...I am looking forward to using it!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

40/365 - corks

40/365 - corks
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

No, I'm not collecting corks for any particular reason - this collection of corks is more of a commentary about how much wine I drink. :)

Saturday, February 09, 2013

39/365 - “Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.” ~ Henry Vandyke

39/365 - “Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.” ~ Henry Vandyke
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Another image in my bird series....

38/365 - the view from my dinner table last night

38/365 - the view from my dinner table last night
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Sorry for the late post, but I didn't get home until late from having drinks with friends last night @ one of our local brew pubs. It was a blustery evening to say the least, so it was nice to be nice and warm inside. This is also not the most inspired image I have ever taken...

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

36/365 - got a freak'in headache....

36/365 - got a freak'in headache....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I've been home from work today with a headache and general feeling like crap - scratchy throat etc. I do think that my headache is primarily because I am in need of a prescription adjustment on my eye glasses. Ok...I'm going to go back to bed now...

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

35/365 - spongey thing....

35/365 - spongey thing....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

More macro lovliness...I need a break from the birds....

Monday, February 04, 2013

34/365 - "Does wisdom perhaps appear on the earth as a raven..."

34/365 - "Does wisdom perhaps appear on the earth as a raven..."
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

"... which is inspired by the smell of carrion?" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Yes, another bird photo...I happen to like this little thing I have going on.

car·ri·on - n. - Dead and decaying flesh.
1. Of or similar to dead and decaying flesh.
2. Feeding on such flesh.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

33/365 - "even though they look like they're flying south.... "

33/365 - "even though they look like they're flying south.... "
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

"... they're really stuck right here with the rest of us for the winter." ~ Story People

Perhaps you can expect more bird themed photos in the nearest future.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

31/365 - The Birds Revisited

31/365 - The Birds Revisited
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Thought I would give this a try.....

Friday, February 01, 2013

31/365 - in honour of the superbowl

31/365 - in honour of the superbowl
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

So I got home late after going out for some drinks with friends after work and this is what I came up with for my image of the day. Lego characters rock!