Monday, January 10, 2011

9/2011 - This is another image that didn't make the cut....

9/2011 - This is another image that didn't make the cut....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

In the case of this image, it didn't seem to "flow" with the other images. I still love it though.

I know I am totally cheating on my challenge, as mentioned before, but school seems to be kicking my butt this semester - and it has only just started!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

8/2011 - a reject from my "Unveiled" photography show in September

8/2011 - a reject from my "Unveiled" photography show in September
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I will get to posting the photos from the show soon. I am sort of cheating with this 365 challenge, but I am a bit short on time at the moment with school, I thought I would post an oldie but a goodie.


7/2011 - a tragedy

7/2011 - a tragedy
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

These are my favourite glasses and this morning I discovered them broken. I believe that the scenario was that they were on my bedside table and well the cat knocked them onto the floor. So, since he weighs 20 pounds, I also believe that when he jump down onto the floor he might have inadvertently broken them.

I will miss these glasses....

6/2011 - Elgin St.

6/2011 - Elgin St.
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Just hanging out at the Mayflower on Saturday morning for some awesome pancakes!

5/2011 - My main man..sad I know

5/2011 - My main man..sad I know
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

He doesn't complain as long as I keep his belly full and his litter box clean..

4/2011 - coat room

4/2011 - coat room
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Monday, January 03, 2011

3/2011 - Can I go ninja for a few days?

3/2011 - Can I go ninja for a few days?
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I can't say that I am the least bit impressed with my creativity on the photography front or on the school work front. So here is a fine example of my creativity at work! You are lucky you don't have to witness me pulling my hair out trying to complete an epic essay due on Friday...I shall leave it at that. Carry on, nothing to see here.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

1-2011 - making a new start.....

1-2011 - making a new start.....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I am thinking that instead of having a formal "picture a day" challenge like I attempted last year - and didn't complete - this year I am going to just let it happen. I am going to allow my creativity to talk to me instead of forcing myself to be creative. Could this be a resolution? Perhaps. The only thing I wish for the new year is that things just keep continuing to get better. :)

So this is the beginning of 2011, a year of creativity!