Saturday, January 31, 2009

116/365-2 - "There are your fog people & your sun people, he said. I said I wasn't sure which kind I was. He nodded. Fog'll do that to you, he said." ~ Story People

116/365-2 - "There are your fog people & your sun people, he said. I said I wasn't sure which kind I was. He nodded. Fog'll do that to you, he said." ~ Story People
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I went to the funeral for my friend's husband today. I wasn't initially going to go as I have never met him, but then I realized that I was going to go for her. Amongst all of those people there I wanted to be there for her. It was a very moving ceremony. I was glad that I went.

Today I feel like I am living in a sort of fog...unexplainable at this point.

31/365-2 -

31/365-2 -
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

115/365-2 - It has been a very long day...

115/365-2 - It has been a very long day...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

When I eventually made it home last night it was 11:00. I had a long day of work with a therapy appointment in the afternoon. Then a visit to a funeral home to support a friend of mine, dinner with friends and dessert with more friends. I'm exhausted.

My plan is to get up to date on everyones pictures this weekend. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working that way.


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

114/365-2 - Sometimes hugging yourself just doesn't do the job...Part II

114/365-2 - Sometimes hugging yourself just doesn't do the job...Part II
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Another day of being exhausted! I spent little time on my computer last night and instead went to bed. As I am lacking creativity at the moment I am doing a similiar shot to last night's, just a frontal view. It is Half naked Thursday after all!

Heading off this evening to pick up my new desk from IKEA! Yay!! As I am too tired I will probably not get it assembled until this weekend!

Random Fact: I have been dying my hair since I was 19 years old and not really sure what my natural hair colour actually is. Along with tattoos it is a great way to express myself!

29x2009 - Connected II

29x2009 - Connected II
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

113/365-2 - Sometimes hugging yourself just doesn't do the job...

113/365-2 - Sometimes hugging yourself just doesn't do the job...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Really tired at the fact my eyes are quite heavy. Please forgive me if I don't get to commenting on your photos this evening - I am planning on going to bed as soon as I have my supper.

Random Fact: I live a country that gets snow, but I don't know how to skate or downhill ski.

28x2009 - Crap on the bottom of my boot....

28x2009 - Crap on the bottom of my boot....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Monday, January 26, 2009

111-365-2 - "Creativity is a drug I cannot live without." Cecil B. Demille

111-365-2 - "Creativity is a drug I cannot live without." Cecil B. Demille
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

And today is not my most creative of days....but you get to see all of my freckles. ;D

I feel that my "day job" is not allowing me to be as creative as I know I could be. Perhaps time for a change?

Random Fact: I HATE horror films, even if they are stupid instead of scary - they give me nightmares.

26x2009 - Salamander...

26x2009 - Salamander...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Just a stuffed animal that I have...he hangs out on a chair in my living room.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

25x2009 - Red and Green

25x2009 - Red and Green
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Tomatoes and Avocados...yummy!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Random Fact: Every time I watch a sappy movie or television show I cry.

24x2009 - A slice of time....

24x2009 - A slice of time....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Friday, January 23, 2009

108/365-2 - "willing to surrender for treats as often as necessary " ~ Story People

108/365-2 - "willing to surrender for treats as often as necessary " ~ Story People
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I would like to apologize for those contacts whom are unable to see my images updating on their contact page!! I have been in contact with Flickr and the problem is apparently being looked into.

Random Fact: I took classical violin lessons for 13 years but haven't played my violin in just as many years. I miss it and plan on picking it up again one of these days...

23x2009 - connected...

23x2009 - connected...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

106/365-2 - meh

106/365-2 - meh
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Not happy with this image...the noise level is wayy too high for my liking, but I am too lazy to retake my shot.

Someone told me yesterday that a lot of my photos were negative emotionally. It I had heard that a few months ago I would have been devastated, at this moment it hasn't effected me. I like my photography..he can suck eggs. meh!


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

This image is horribly noisy...but I am too lazy too fix it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

104/365-2 - "Tired of knowing everything without ever being sure." ~ Story People

104/365-2 - "Tired of knowing everything without ever being sure." ~ Story People
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I hate Mondays.....

Random Fact: I don't believe in organized religion but consider myself to be a spiritual person.

19x2009 - Ying and Yang

19x2009 - Ying and Yang
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I got these on a trip to Hong Kong in 2001.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

103/365-2 - "I've always thought death was a lot like Christmas, he said. I can't wait to find out if being good the whole time was worth it." ~ Story People

103/365-2 - "I've always thought death was a lot like Christmas, he said. I can't wait to find out if being good the whole time was worth it." ~ Story People
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

It came as a surprise when I discovered last night that a friend of mine had passed away unexpectedly. He was an creative talent in the art of Slam Poetry and will be sadly missed by many. To quote the man himself: "Treat everyday like it was your first." R.I.P. Steve.

I apologize for this depressing post.


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Friday, January 16, 2009

101/365-2 - 9 things...

101/365-2 - 9 things...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I have been tagged to share 9 things by the beautiful Revamp Tramp. So here I go:

1. I have a bashful bladder which means I am unable to go pee in the woods. Makes camping and long trips very uncomfortable. (TMI?)

2. I was "Tom Boy" growing up and would rather play with G.I.Joes then Barbie Dolls. I have now gotten in touch with my girlie side.

3. I mostly wear black.

4. I love dressing up but am just as comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt.

5. I have stopped searching for true love, if it is going to happen, it is going to happen.

6. I don't wear perfume but instead wear essential oil in my hair (just a little bit). My favourites are Sandalwood and Patchouli.

7. I have been a fingernail biter for as long as I can remember and only just stopped about 3 years ago. I sometimes relapse but only for a short time.

8. I don't get people who don't understand sarcastic wit although I have been told sarcasm is a form of anger. *eye roll* "whatever!"

9. I am a girl that needs carbs for fuel and 8 hours of sleep a night (although I rarely get that).

Today was a crap day at work but when I got home I discovered that I had come fifth in the weekly I Heart Faces photo contest!! I also won Photo of the Week over at a fantastic blog Photographywired!!! Yay!!

16x2009 - "Sometimes I think I'm going to end up all alone in a cold apartment living on cat food from a can but I guess that's not so bad since I'm a cat after all." ~ Story People

16x2009 - "Sometimes I think I'm going to end up all alone in a cold apartment living on cat food from a can but I guess that's not so bad since I'm a cat after all." ~ Story People
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

100-365-2 - "Trust can take years to build, but only a second to break." ~Author Unknown

100-365-2 - "Trust can take years to build, but only a second to break." ~Author Unknown
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I was betrayed today at work. Someone that I foolishly trusted (even thought I new better) went behind my back. Fortunately I am not the only one that is aware of what happened.

I am wearing new wristies that my Mom knit for me! yay!

Random Fact: I foolishly believe that everyone is inherently a good person.

15x2009 - Chocolate melts my troubles away...

15x2009 - Chocolate melts my troubles away...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

99/365-2 - "even though they look like they're flying south, they're really stuck right here with the rest of us for the winter" ~ Story People

99/365-2 - "even though they look like they're flying south, they're really stuck right here with the rest of us for the winter" ~ Story People
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

So -25 with a wind chill that makes it feel like -35? I am glad that I didn't ask to live here! sheesh!! It is not supposed to get warmer until next week sometime. Glorious winter!

Random Fact: I used to own a Vespa Scooter but sold it because I am afraid to drive in "big city" traffic, so I sold it. I miss it terribly.


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I was preparing chili tonight and this was one of the ingredients. yummmm!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

11x2009 - Off the deep end....

11x2009 - Off the deep end....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Today is my last day of Vacation...tomorrow I shall face my maker and go back to work. blurgh!

Friday, January 09, 2009


Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Random Fact: I prefer eating food in a bowl with a spoon without reheating it (if leftovers). Indications of my laziness perhaps?

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

007x2009 - "Every woman loves shoes, and every woman has a pair of red shoes, which is good news." - Anonymous

007x2009 - "Every woman loves shoes, and every woman has a pair of red shoes, which is good news." - Anonymous
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Every woman SHOULD have a pair of red shoes!! I got my first pair yesterday!

93/365-2 - don't put me in a corner.....

93/365-2 - don't put me in a corner.....
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

The lighting on this was not what I had envisioned...but I got tired of fooling around with it. gah!

It is snowing like crazy outside and I am all comfy inside in my daytime pyjamas...I love days like this! Four more days of my holiday left...:(

Random Fact: I have a low tolerance for alcohol...3 beers and I am on my way to my happy place, 5 beers? On my way to the toilet.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

92-365-2 - "Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance." ~Dave Barry

92-365-2 - "Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance." ~Dave Barry
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

My best friend bought me a pair of smashing red shoes!!! yay!!

Random thought: I am scared of riding on escalators. Mostly just the getting on them and getting off of them.

006x2009 - Winter Bench

006x2009 - Winter Bench
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

Monday, January 05, 2009