Friday, January 16, 2009

101/365-2 - 9 things...

101/365-2 - 9 things...
Originally uploaded by Geekgirly.

I have been tagged to share 9 things by the beautiful Revamp Tramp. So here I go:

1. I have a bashful bladder which means I am unable to go pee in the woods. Makes camping and long trips very uncomfortable. (TMI?)

2. I was "Tom Boy" growing up and would rather play with G.I.Joes then Barbie Dolls. I have now gotten in touch with my girlie side.

3. I mostly wear black.

4. I love dressing up but am just as comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt.

5. I have stopped searching for true love, if it is going to happen, it is going to happen.

6. I don't wear perfume but instead wear essential oil in my hair (just a little bit). My favourites are Sandalwood and Patchouli.

7. I have been a fingernail biter for as long as I can remember and only just stopped about 3 years ago. I sometimes relapse but only for a short time.

8. I don't get people who don't understand sarcastic wit although I have been told sarcasm is a form of anger. *eye roll* "whatever!"

9. I am a girl that needs carbs for fuel and 8 hours of sleep a night (although I rarely get that).

Today was a crap day at work but when I got home I discovered that I had come fifth in the weekly I Heart Faces photo contest!! I also won Photo of the Week over at a fantastic blog Photographywired!!! Yay!!

1 comment:

Ligeia said...

3,4,5 were written by me ^^

So glad to read about you missy


Ligeia (flickr)